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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

Words to Bingham High School songs

Bingham High School Song

Bingham Sons and Daughters


Bingham sons and daughters

Like the mighty waters

Roll along to victory

Tides of Warriors greet us

With their teams to beat us

But we’ll fight for victory.

Onward, onward team against the foe

Forward, forward our honored banners go.

All our foes will tremble

As our teams assemble,

On, on, on to victory.


Hear the echoes ringing

Hear the students singing

‘Tis our song of victory,

Colors flying o’er us,

Blue and white before us,

Lead us on to victory.

Onward, onward team against the foe

Forward, forward the Bingham Miners go.

Bingham we are with you,

And we’re here to cheer you

Fight, fight, fight for victory.


Bingham High School School Hymn

Dreams of Bingham High School

Day is ending, night is blending, stars among the blue

Memories wonder while we ponder school days fond and true.

As the golden sun sets in the west –

We lay our dreams of Bingham High to rest.


We’ll always remember the blue and the white

And faces so tender and dear –

We’ll always remember the stars in the night

That shine on our campus so clear.

We’ll always remember the laughs and the smiles

And the struggles, the sorrows and tears.

But though we may travel o’er many strange miles,

We’ll always remember in May and September –

Bingham High as our happiest years.


Bingham High School Pep Song

Hurray for Bingham High School

(sung to the tune of Our Director march)


Here’s to our dear high school yes, Bingham High

Here’s to our colors, may they fly on high.

Climbing, ever climbing, we’ll ever be,

Leading our colors to victory.


The Miners are the heroes, gallant and true,

They are all fighting for the white and blue.

Cheering, shouting, yelling: we’ll have fair play,

There’s no rebelling we all can say.