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Miner Details

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

  • Best wishes to all Miners for a successful and prosperous 2025 New Year!
The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

Contact the Alumni Foundation

The Bingham High School Alumni Foundation, restablished in 1989, has become a very important part of the educational programs and opportunities at Bingham High School. The purposes of the Foundation are three-fold:
• To raise and award scholarship financial assistance to students of Bingham High School,
• To recognize Bingham High School alumni and friends for their personal success and service to the students, parents, patrons, and community of Bingham High School, and
• To continually promote and recognize the traditions and legacy of Bingham High School.

The Foundation has a Board that meets monthly to conduct Foundation business, and that Board empowers several sub-committees to accomplish several tasks and assignments. The president of the Bingham High School Alumni Foundation is Scott Crump. Board members include:

Scott Crump President and Historian——(801)254-2827———- [email protected]
Lynn DeMill Vice President/Pay Dirt Chair (801)254-0042 [email protected]
Fran Stokes Secretary
Marilyn Richards Newsletter (801)256-3767 [email protected]
Jill Newman Hightower Business Manager [email protected]
Deanne Curtis Scholarship Chair
Joan Thompson Board Member
Michael Anderson Business Partnerships
Larry Fullmer Business Partnerships
David Hogan Car Show
Sherm Margetts Business Partnerships
Amy Maynard Murray Reunion Committee
Bryce Dunford Reunion Committee
Randy Tyson Business Partnerships
Cecilia Brentel Walker 1908 Prospector Club
Isabell Scroggin Board Member
Doug Schmidt Business Partnerships
Howard Schmidt Business Partnerships

If you are interested in participating on the Bingham High School Alumni Foundation Board or as a sub-committee member, please contact Scott Crump, Lynn DeMill or any of the other Board members.

The Board has established an endowment fund to offer scholarships to seniors at Bingham High School. Contributions to that fund are always appreciated and highly solicited and may be arranged through Jill Hightower, the foundation business manager. Each year, Bingham High School Seniors complete applications for scholarship opportunities and the number of scholarships awarded is based on the amount of money available. Between eight and twelve $1,500.00 scholarships are awarded annually.

The Board has also established an Alumni Conference Room at Bingham High School which is located directly across the Main Hall from the Main Office at the main entrance to the school. This conference room displays thousands of yearbooks, photographs, uniforms, rings, pins, glassware, tickets, posters, letters, awards, proclamations, newspapers, and other academic, activity, and athletic award artifacts and memorabilia. Items are always accepted and solicited as donations to this conference room. The Bingham High School Alumni Conference is open during school hours and some evening hours for any who would like to visit. There are also other Bingham High School artifacts including the Copperton School’s copper plaster relief of the copper mine (which was originally located in front of the auditorium), the Copperton school’s dedication plaque, mosaic tile seal (from the entrance floor), the “B” design from the school’s smokestack, pictures of the four previous Bingham High School buildings, and the ceramic relief of the copper mine from the Bingham Central high school building that was located in the old city of Bingham. In addition, there are two Bingham “Miner” Statues, one of an old-time miner on display in the Main Hall and another of a modern miner at the entrance to the building in our Centennial Plaza. Other memorabilia can be found in the gymnasium trophy cases (Athletic Awards, Pictures, and Trophies Showcases), in the auditorium (Commemorative State Championship Banners), in the gym (Commemorative State and National Championship and Coaching Honor Banners) and in the library, where there are display cases with memorabilia from each decade of Bingham High School’s past as well as pictures of activities in old Bingham and a 3-D relief of historic Bingham Canyon. Class reunion groups and/or individuals are always welcome at the school.

Participating in the activities of the Bingham High School Foundation is a great way to serve, get involved, and promote the continuing success and legacy of Bingham High School. We invite all alumni and friends of Bingham High School to join us and help make Bingham High School an even better place.