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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

2005 Tom Hicks, Dedicated Principal


Bingham High principal (1998-2005, 2008-2013)

 Geography and Physical Education teacher and counselor in the Jordan   School District

 Principal of Riverton Elementary and Crescent View Middle School

As Bingham principal he worked with issues dealing with the school’s tremendous growth as well as the downsizing that occurred with the opening of Riverton High in 1999

He oversaw the remodeling of Bingham’s gymnasium, cafeteria, and academic areas as well as additions to the gym and cafeteria

He created the Alumni Room and made possible the preservation of numerous artifacts from the old Bingham High buildings in Copperton and Bingham Canyon.

He presided over Bingham’s Centennial Celebration (2008-2009)

He was named Utah High School Principal of the Year (2005) by the Utah Association of Secondary Principals

He received the Jordan School Board “Five Star Award” (2004) and the Huntsman Award for Excellence in Education (2013)

Executive Director over the Brighton feeder system in the Jordan

Each year at the annual Candlelight Christmas Program a person is honored who has contributed outstanding service to BinghamHigh School.  At this year’s program, held on December 19, 2005, Tom Hicks, BinghamHigh School’s principal from 1998 to 2005, was honored.  A native of California, Mr. Hicks graduated in 1965 from CaliforniaHigh School in Whittier.  He attended BrighamYoungUniversity where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and psychology in 1969.  He would later earn his Masters and Educational Special Degrees in Educational Administration from B.Y.U. as well.  He started his teaching career at Midvale Junior High, first as a geography and physical education teacher and then as a counselor.  In 1978 he was appointed as an assistant principal where he served for ten years before being chosen to be principal of Riverton Elementary and then CrescentViewMiddle Schools.   Mr. Hicks was appointed principal of Bingham High in 1998 and would serve in that position for the next seven years.  During this time he would earn the love and respect of the entire Bingham Community.   One of the greatest challenges facing the school at the time was its tremendous size, growing to become the largest school in the state with over 3,000 students.  Under his leadership the student body was divided in half to create RivertonHigh School in 1999.   He would oversee the remodeling of Bingham’s gymnasium, academic areas and cafeteria as well as the building of the additions to the north side of the gymnasium and to the cafeteria.   He also created the Alumni Room, which is directly west of the main office, and made possible the preservation of numerous historical artifacts from the old BinghamHigh School’s in Copperton and BinghamCanyon.  In addition he instituted the current Bingham pinning ceremony complete with the miner handshake and recitation of “It’s a great day to be a miner!” and numerous other programs that would make BinghamHigh School one of the state’s model schools.  He grew to love Bingham’s traditions, history and people and quickly become part of the Bingham family.  This was exemplified by his enthusiastic participation in the annual white-washing of the “B”, one of Bingham’s oldest traditions.  While other teachers and administrators were glad to take turns supervising this yearly paint fight, Mr. Hicks never missed and always saved his white-washed baseball hat.  He was well-liked by the people with whom he served and made an indelible impression upon our school.

He has been described as being helpful, cooperative, energetic, meticulous, supportive, fair, a good listener and  unafraid to make difficult decisions. His accomplishments as principal of BinghamHigh School would not go unnoticed as he was awarded the 2005 Utah High School Principal of the Year Award by the Utah Association of Secondary School Principals.  He also received the “Five Star” Award in 2004 from the Jordan School District Board of Education.  This is JordanDistrict’s highest employee honor. In 2005 he was appointed to be an executive director in the JordanDistrict office over the Brighton feeder system.  Nevertheless he continues to serve Bingham on the Alumni committee.

He is married to Camille Ware Hicks, a native of Midvale, Utah, who currently teaches at RivertonHigh School.  He is the proud father of four children, Alisa, Lindsey, Rob and Jeff and the proud grandfather of two grandchildren, Jake and Sydney.  Congratulations go to Mr. Hicks for his many accomplishments and contributions to Bingham High School.  Our school was a better place because he was here.