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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

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2008 Jolene Jolley, Principal & Great Friend to BHS


Bingham High principal (2005-2008)

As principal of Bingham High she oversaw the remodeling of the library and the stadium, and the addition of the eight classrooms west of the library.

She managed Bingham’s growth, enhanced educational programs and contributed greatly to the preparations for the Bingham Centennial Celebration (2008-2009), including the addition of Centennial Plaza.

Biology teacher for 18 years—14 at Brighton High

Assistant Principal at Copper Hills High

Human Resources Specialist for the Jordan School District and the Canyons School District

At the Centennial Candlelight Christmas Celebration held on December 13, 15 and 16, 2008, Bingham High honored its past principal, Jolene Jolley, for her contributions to the school.  Since 1976, it has been traditional to honor a person at the Candlelight program who has contributed outstanding service to the Bingham community.  Mrs. Jolley’s efforts on behalf of the students, faculty, staff and patrons of Bingham High made her a deserving recipient of this award.

Jolene Jolley was born in Soda Springs, Idaho and graduated from Soda Springs High School.   She earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Utah State University majoring in biology.  She taught biology for 18 years—14 of those years at Brighton High School.   After she earned her Master’s Degree from Brigham Young University in Educational Leadership, she was appointed an assistant principal at Copper Hills High School.   Later she worked as the Human Resources Specialist for the Jordan School District.  In 2005, she was named principal of Bingham High and served diligently in this position until 2008, when she retired with 30 years’ service to the Jordan School District.   One of her noteworthy accomplishments while principal of Bingham High was the work she contributed to the preparations for the Centennial Celebration.   Mrs. Jolley is married to Stephen Jolley, a former Bingham High teacher and current Jordan District principal, and together they have seven children and three grandchildren.