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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

2006 Janae Cobbley


Head Secretary at Bingham High (1991-2006)

Bingham Counseling Center Secretary (1976-1978)

Registrar at Bingham (1978-1991)

She was a supporter of Bingham High activities for over 40 years

She developed a reputation for competence, kept everyone on track and was a great friend to her coworkers and the students at Bingham High


BinghamHigh School celebrated the 70th annual performance of the Candlelight Program on December 18, 2006.   Since 1937 students at our school have been participating in this annual Christmas festival of lights and music. Since 1976 it has been tradition to honor someone of this program who has contributed outstanding service to Bingham High.  This award is known as the Candlelight Service Award and was first presented to Joel P. Jensen, the Bingham High music teacher who started the Candlelight tradition.

This year the award was given to Janae Cobbley, a longtime Bingham secretary and registrar.  Janae has lived most of her life in the South Jordan area.  She attended Bingham High at the old school in Copperton where she was active in Minerettes, student government and the National Honor Society.  She attended college at BrighamYoungUniversity.

Janae started work at Bingham in 1976.  She worked two years in the counseling center, 13 years as the registrar and 15 years as Bingham’s head secretary in the front office.  She always loved working at Bingham High and especially enjoyed the great people she was able to associate with.  During her long-time service to Bingham, she developed a reputation for competence, kept everyone on track and was a great friend to her fellow staff members.  She has been described by her coworkers as efficient, friendly, fun, forgiving, kind, patient and caring.

Janae and her husband, Ron, have been attending Bingham High activities for over 40 years and consider themselves true Bingham fans.  She retired in July 2006 after working at Bingham for 30 years.  She misses everything about our school, but most of all she misses the students.   She considers herself to be a true-blue Bingham Miner and truly believes that it is always a great day to be a miner.

Janae married Ron Cobbley and they are the parents of three daughters, Kris, Suzanne and Michelle.  They have nine grandchildren, eight girls and one boy.  All three of their daughters graduated from Bingham High and UtahStateUniversity.