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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

2015 Claudia Parry Anderson (1965)

Claudia Parry Anderson (1965)


Inventor, businesswoman and civic leader

Founded Audio Enhancement Company (1978)

Invented the first infrared wireless microphone and received a patent through the US Patent Office

She has been recognized as an international leader and expert in the field of infrared sound technology

Founder of “Children Can Speak” an educational foundation and school to teach deaf children to talk

Mayor of Bluffdale City (2006-2010)

Member of the Bluffdale City Council (1999-2004)

Utah Businesswoman of the Year (2004)

Member of the Governor’s Council for the Deaf and Blind

President of the Riverton/Draper Rotary Club


Claudia Parry Anderson graduated from Bingham High School in 1965.  As a student at Bingham she was involved in many activities.  She was a member of the Drama Club and as a senior performed in the school play, “The Mouse that Roared”.  She also participated in the band and A’Cappella Choir.  She was a finalist in the Miss Coppertonian (Yearbook Queen) contest and was a member of the Future Teachers of America Club, the Dance Club and the Model United Nations.

Claudia received her college education at the University of Utah, Brigham Young University and Utah State University.  After college she would go on to become a successful businesswoman.  For her success she would be awarded the Utah Businesswoman of the Year Award in 2004.  As a single mother of four children, two of whom are profoundly deaf, she founded Audio Enhancement Company in 1978.  This international company provides services and research-based products that improve teacher instruction and student academic achievement.  While working tirelessly to provide a quality education for her deaf sons, she realized that amplifying a teacher’s voice not only helped children with special needs but all students.  Having a vision for making wireless microphones available in every classroom she researched and developed the technology for the first infrared wireless microphone. She was issued a patent by the US Patent Office for her invention.  Her Audio Enhancement company has provided the technology for all students to have equal abilities to hear in the classroom setting.  She is recognized as an international leader and expert in Infrared Sound Field Technology with classrooms using this technology located throughout the world.  She retired from Audio Enhancement in 2010.

Among Claudia’s other lifetime achievements and accomplishments are the following:

–Elected Government Official

She served as the Mayor of Bluffdale City Utah from 2006 to 2010.

She was elected to the Bluffdale city council and served from 1999 to 2004.

She was a commissioner on the Bluffdale City Planning and Zoning Commission from 1996 to 1999.

–International Businesswoman

She created a partnership with Panasonic in 2004 that delivered the newest and best audio technology and interactive delivery systems (ie. internet, camera, video and audio) for classroom teachers.

In 2004 she was named Utah Business woman of the Year.

She worked in property and investment management and in 2011 was the President of Amelia’s Business Park LLC.

–Volunteer Service

She has served as President Elect and President of the Draper/Riverton Rotary Club and has been a member of the club since 2006.

She has worked as the Honorary Chairman of the Business Advisory Council of the National Republican Congressional Committee in 2010.

She has served on the Utah Governor’s Council for the Deaf and Blind.

She has served on the Parent’s Council of the A. G. Bell Association (Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) for 15 years and as Secretary/Trustee of the International Parent Board for four years.

She is a former PTA President and Vice President

–Education Foundation and School Founder

She founded the “Child Shall Speak Foundation,” which was created to teach deaf children to talk. It has been recognized as one of the first private school/clinic organizations that successfully introduced reverse mainstreaming into the preschool setting.

She has successfully formed parent, school, community and business partnerships and alliances for the support of education and benefit of children.

Claudia is the mother of four children and 21 grandchildren.  She is proud of the fact that her children have become hard working, caring, well-educated and responsible adults.  They have worked together for over 37 years in their family business which has made a difference in the lives of children all over the world.