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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

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2015 Alumni Scholarships

Always a highlight of the year for the Bingham Alumni Foundation is Scholarship Night.  This year it was held on May 21, 2015 and it proved to be a night of excitement for not only the Bingham Alumni Foundation, but also for the senior scholarship winners chosen to be in attendance.  This year the Foundation was able to award over $17,000 in scholarships due to the generosity of Bingham High School’s alumni and friends.  The eleven highly deserving recipients were chosen from the nearly 70 students who applied by the April 17th deadline.  The Foundation Scholarship Committee, chaired by Deanne Curtis, then examined the applications and gave each student points based on their, Grade Point Average, ACT score, extracurricular activities, leadership positions held, advanced classes taken (AP, Concurrent and Honors courses), letters of recommendation, need, service and goals in life.   The top 11 students were then invited to attend scholarship night with their parents.  The following Bingham High seniors were the highly qualified winners of this year’s scholarships:

Guilherme Vendemiatti              Beard Family Scholarship

Tanner Harrison                          Cal Crump Scholarship

Joshua White                                James Goris Scholarship

Zachary Child                               Hogan Investment Services Scholarship

Jeffrey Wang                                Bingham High School Memorial

Amanda Balls                               Annette Egan Memorial Scholarship

Samantha Lilly                             Yvonne Cardwell Scholarship

Katrina Harmer                           Bingham Alumni Foundation Founders

Sridharan Radhakrishnan          Dr. George Lendaris Scholarship

Calvin Smith                                 Class of 1968 Scholarship

Skye Cowdell                                Class of 1965 Scholarship


The Bingham Alumni Foundation was first organized in 1916, just four years after the first graduating class in 1912.   Since then the organization has been rechartered three times, the latest being in 1989.  Over the years the Foundation has become an important part of the educational program and opportunities at Bingham High School.  The purposes of the Foundation are three-fold:  to raise and award financial assistance to students at Bingham High, to recognize Bingham High School alumni and friends for their success and service to Bingham High School (Pay Dirt Club Hall of Fame and Candlelight Service Award), and to continually promote and recognize the traditions and legacy of Bingham High School.  Scholarship Night is held at the end of each school year to fulfill the Foundation’s commitment to give financial assistance to outstanding senior students.  Congratulations go to our 2015 scholarship winners and a big thank you to all our generous alumni who made this year’s scholarships possible.