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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

2012 Sherm Margetts (1971)

2012 Sherm Margetts (1971)

2012    SHERMAN MARGETTS (1971)

Businessman (who started his first business at age 25), and civic leader

Founder, owner or board member of over 10 businesses including:

Bull Frog International—maker of Bull Frog Spas

SSM Distributing—a packaging service company

Express Locations—a T-Mobile store with 105 locations

Chairman of the Board of Bull Frog International

President of the Japan Fukuoka LDS Mission

Awarded the James E. West Fellowship Award by the Boy Scouts of America

Member of the Board of Directors of the Bingham Alumni Foundation


Sherman Margetts grew up in West Jordan and attended Bingham when the school was in Copperton, graduating in 1971. During his years at Bingham High, he was involved in student government serving as Junior Class President and Student body President. He participated in sports being a member of the wrestling team and was chosen as one of Bingham’s representatives to Boy’s State. He was also a member of the A’Cappella Choir, the Letterman Club and the Prospector Club, which was the Bingham service club at the time.
After graduation from Bingham High, Mr. Margetts attended Brigham Young University on a leadership scholarship. He interrupted his schooling to serve a LDS mission in Japan. From an early age he had an interest in business and investing and at age 25 he started his first business. Since that time he has been involved in over 10 businesses either as a founder, owner, shareholder or board member. These businesses have included Bull Frog International, which makes Bull Frog Spas, SSM Distributing, a packaging service company, and Express Locations, a T-Mobile store with 105 locations throughout the West. He currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Bullfrog International.
In addition, Mr. Margetts has been heavily involved in service to his community and church. He has been involved in the Boy Scouts, where he received the James E. West Fellowship Award and has volunteered as a coach for a number of his community’s sports teams. He has worked with the Amicus Foundation, which is an organization devoted to supporting medical research for Intermountain Healthcare and has served in many positions in the LDS Church. He recently returned from serving as a LDS mission president in the Fukuoka Japan Mission.
Mr. Margetts enjoys reading, traveling, most all sports (especially golf) and being with his family. He is married to Sherry Mellor who is also a graduate of Bingham High (Class of 1973). They have three children, Kristin, Thil and Kara and seven grandchildren