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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

2011 Gary Hatch (1982)

2011    GARY L. HATCH (1982)

Educator and school administrator at BYU,

Professor of English at BYU,  

Director of the BYU Honors Program,

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education

Director of the BYU Study Abroad Program

Chief reader for the national College Board Advanced Placement English–Literature and Composition test

Awarded the Karl G. Maeser General Education Professorship (2003)

Winner of the Alcuin Fellowship in General Education (1998)

Authored and published numerous articles, books, book reviews and encyclopedia entries


Gary L. Hatch grew up in South Jordan and graduated from Bingham High in 1982. While at Bingham Gary was involved in student government being elected senior class president. He was a member of the National Honor Society, was chosen to be Bingham’s General Sterling Scholar and won a state debate championship. He was also selected by the Class of 1982 as the person Most Likely to Succeed.
After graduation from high school he attended BYU as a Spencer W. Kimball Presidential Scholar, a prestigious scholarship awarded to only about 24 students from around the world each year. He interrupted his education to serve an LDS mission to Copenhagen, Denmark and completed his Bachelor’s Degree in English in 1988, graduating with highest honors. He would go on to earn a Doctor’s Degree in English Literature from Arizona State University in 1992. He then took a position as a Professor of English at BYU and later served as the Honors Program Director and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education. He was also Faculty director of the BYU Study Abroad Program, the Assistant Director of the BYU London Centre, on the Executive Board of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, and a member of the BYU Studies Academy and the BYU Studies Editorial Board. He also worked for College Board where he was a committee chair and the chief reader for the national Advanced Placement English Language test. He published numerous articles, books, book reviews and encyclopedia entries and presented professional papers at international, national and regional conferences.
Gary made all these accomplishments in the short span of 45 years as he died suddenly and unexpectedly in 2010. Gary had great gifts for learning and teaching. He became a university professor because he wanted a life of learning and to help others improve their lives. He wore his scholarship lightly, however, was beloved by all who knew him. Gary was a dedicated scouter and served in numerous positions in the LDS church, including bishop. He enjoyed the piano, camping, all types of literature, food and travel. Though his teaching, church service and scouting he influenced countless numbers of people.
Gary is survived by his wife, AnneMarie, sons Aubrey and Carson and daughter, Maren. His life of accomplishment and service is an example to us all and it is with deep pleasure that we award Gary Hatch, Bingham High School’s highest honor, the Pay Dirt Award.