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The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always 1908 - 2025

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

The official site of Bingham High School Alumni & Friends -- Then, Now, Always  1908 - 2025

Miner Details

2007 Yvonne Cardwell


 Counselor at Bingham High (1978-2001)

Coordinating counselor for the Jordan School District Teen Mother Program

Bingham High School’s first Miner Mascot (1958)

Home Economics teacher for 5 years

Counselor at Mt. Jordan Junior High (1970-1978)

During her career as a teacher and counselor she made it her goal to:

help students graduate from high school, help students plan and prepare for post high school training and the world of work and

       teach students problem solving skills

At the annual Candlelight Christmas Program on December 17, 2007, Yvonne Cardwell was awarded the Candlelight Service Award for her outstanding service to Bingham High School.
In September of 1958, Yvonne was delighted to be a sophomore at Bingham High School. She was a Minerette all three years of high school and in her senior year, she served as the Vice-President of the Minerette Club.
In her sophomore year, she became the first Miner Mascot. While attending Bingham High School, she participated in sewing contests and won several awards for her clothing construction. She was also in two plays and went to the Jordan District competition with two dramatic readings.
Encouraged by her parents’ strong belief in education, Yvonne was personally and professionally committed to it. She graduated in 1961 from Bingham High School and then went on to Utah State University. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Home Economics in 1965. She taught Home Economics for 5 years at many different schools around the state.
She became a guidance counselor at Mount Jordan Junior High and earned her Master of Science Degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Utah in 1973. She was a counselor at Mount Jordan for eight years. She then transferred to Bingham High School where she was a guidance counselor for 23 years. During those years, she had three goals:
1. Help students graduate from high school
2. Help students plan and prepare for post high school training and the world of work
3. Teach students problem solving skills
During her second year as guidance counselor at Bingham High School, she was asked to become the counselor/coordinator for the Jordan District Teen Mother Program, which was housed
at Bingham High. She had the same three goals for the Teen Mother Program that she had for all Bingham High School students.
It has been very rewarding for her to see the Bingham High and Teen Mother students succeed. She hopes that she played a small role in their success. Congratulations go to Miss Cardwell for her outstanding service to Bingham High School.